PR not showing Needs work state

Issue #248 resolved
Matthew Brown created an issue

The same PR I referenced in Issue #245 shows the following when I view its details (after closing that tab). It should recognize that it is already in the state “Needs work” and not allow this to be selected again.

  • VS Code: v1.39.2 (user setup)
  • Atlascode: v2.1.4
  • Client OS: Windows 10 1903

Comments (5)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    I’m having trouble reproducing this. Are you only seeing the “Needs work” state immediately after it's been set from within the extension?

  2. Matthew Brown reporter

    Yes, immediately after I set it I can see what’s in Issue #245 (and it properly sets it in my Bitbucket Server) but I just checked that PR again yesterday and saw what’s posted above. I confirmed in the web interface that it was still in a “Needs work” state at the time.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We’ve released several versions since this issue was raised, potentially resolving this issue. However, if it is still a problem, please do reopen it (or open a new issue). Thanks!

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