JQL - Selected site isn't shown initially when editing a JQL

Issue #25 resolved
Marian Stoica created an issue

When editing a JQL, the currently selected site doesn't appear as selected. Also (end of video), sometimes it has to be selected twice from the dropdown, in order to appear as selected (first time when opening the jql edit dialog, an empty checkbox is present; when that happens, you have to select the site twice for it to appear as selected).

The JQLs work just fine, this is just a UX bug.

Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @MrCroft My comment about default site in issue 24 might be relevant for this too. Can you try that and see if it helps with this issue too?

  2. Marian Stoica reporter

    @pbusam yes, once I set a default site, editing the JQLs works fine too. Thank you! I wasn't aware that I had to select e default site... Sorry about that! 😀

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    No worries.. thanks for reporting!! The extension is supposed to select the first available site from the list automatically if nothing has been set, but looks like there might be some issues if nothing was set manually or during upgrade. We'll improve how this is handled in future versions.

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