Cannot visualize issue description or comments

Issue #250 closed
Jose created an issue


After installing the extension, and configuring Jira & Bitbucket, I'm unable to read issues’ descriptions or comments. Everything else seems to run smoothly as I’m able to see the issues and perform actions on them.

Not being able to read the description is a real deal breaker 😞



Comments (6)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Hi Jose,

    It would be helpful to know some basic info about your setup, like for example:

    • Operating system
    • VS Code version
    • Bitbucket and Jira extension version
    • Is this Jira Cloud or Jira Server?

    Additionally, could you go to the command palette and toggle developer tools? The console output may be helpful.


  2. Jose reporter

    Hi Gregory,

    • Operating system: Ubuntu Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
    • VS Code version: 1.39.2
    • Bitbucket and Jira extension version: 2.1.4
    • Is this Jira Cloud or Jira Server: Jira Server

    I also sometimes see a glimpse of the text (for a fraction of a second) when I open an issue in vscode or resize the editor.

    I will attached the console output.



  3. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Currently I’m not able to reproduce your issue. To get more precise information about what’s going on, can you go to your VS Code settings and check the box that says Atlascode: Enable Curl Logging. Additionally, set Atlascode: Output Level to debug. Once that’s done, you should see Atlascode in the dropdown of your VS Code’s Output box. Selecting that should output more specific information about any curl commands made by our program.

    Could you try to open the issue again and report back the output you get in that window?

    Also, are you getting this same problem for issues that have no comments on them?

  4. Alastair Wilkes

    Closing due to lack of response and no other reports, but please do reopen this issue if issues persist.

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