"Start Work" on Jira issue hangs

Issue #251 closed
Jeremy Fiel created an issue

First, a clarification, does “start work” work for Jira only issues or does a repo need to be initiated? I am using the extension without connecting to any repo. Instead of logging work, I was attempting to use the “start timer” by assuming this “start work” feature was associated to the timer function in Jira.

The issue hangs at “loading data”

Comments (9)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Hi Jeremy,

    It may be helpful to review our documentation on use of the ‘Start Work’ feature in our extension: https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucket/jira-issues-in-vs-code-969520918.html#JiraissuesinVSCode-StartworkwithJiraissues

    From what I understand, you’re referring to the “Start Work” button on the page associated with a Jira issue. If so, it does not appear that a repo is required.

    Here’s my attempt to reproduce your issue so far: I’ve created a new project and logged out of Bitbucket (in fact I’m not using a git repo). I then proceeded to authenticate with Jira and pressed “Start Work” for a given issue. I get the same “Start work on a Jira Issue <Jira Key>” page as you, but my page seems to load without issues.

    It would help to get some error logging for your particular issue. Can you go to your VS Code settings and check the box that says Atlascode: Enable Curl Logging? Additionally, set Atlascode: Output Level to debug. Once that’s done, you should see Atlascode in the dropdown of your VS Code’s Output box. Selecting that should output more specific information about any curl commands made by our program. Additionally, go to your command palette and toggle developer tools. The console output of that may also be useful.

  2. Lloyd Randall


    Got same issue of just loading page.

    I was about to write I have same issue, however I was typing and saw the output windows now says:
    [2019-12-03 17:28:47:402] Online check attempting to connect to http://atlassian.com
    [2019-12-03 17:28:47:402] Online check attempting to connect to https://bitbucket.org
    [2019-12-03 17:28:48:028] Online check connected to http://atlassian.com

    however the Start Work on Jira issue <JIRA ISSUE KEY> tab is still just saying loading data.

    If I switch to the Jira Issue View tab in VSCode I get alot more data.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Could you update to the latest version of the extension and let us know if that fixes the issue?

  4. Jean-François Paccini

    I have the same issue, on occasions. It sometimes works (and it is great to open a new branch from the issue name !) and sometimes not. Did not know how to debug it, will try based on the steps you gave.

  5. Jean-François Paccini

    ok, here is what I’ve got:

    • open the ticket, it displays fine and there are logs in the ‘Atlassian’ channel (no Atlascode channel as you mentioned)
    • click on ‘start work’:

    • no logs in the ‘Atlassian’ channel

    • displays a frozen page ‘Start work on…’:

    • * on the issues explorer, right click on the issue and select ‘start work’:

    • * and it works :

    • still no new logs in the ‘Atlassian channel’

    hope this helps

    thanks !

  6. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We fixed an issue that could cause this behavior in certain cases in version 2.4.0 of the extension. Please update and let us know if the feature works consistently now.

  7. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Closing this issue for now. We believe the issue has been addressed in the recent releases. Please re-open if you still see this happening.

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