Show quantity of records returned for each custom query

Issue #254 resolved
Jeremy Fiel created an issue

As a user, i want to see how many items have been returned from my queries in the header of each group with a breakdown of the issue types. This will be used as a “quick glance” for workflow optimization. How many items are pending todo, open etc…? and the types of issues

This is open for discussion but my initial thought it to combine the total quantity in a collapsed state.

Then total quantity of issue type in an expanded state. The types would need to be extracted from the configuration. Do not hard code the labels with specific issue types.

Does the user have the ability to further filter items if the user were to click the heading of each type? Maybe this is a separate enhancement? e.g. [3 Epics] [2 Stories] [3 Subtasks].. if the user selects [3 Subtasks], the view will filter only those items, “Clear Filter” to be visible to exit the filter condition.

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