Line Commenting only comments on the whole file and not on the line it should be

Issue #257 resolved
Marco Hauptmann created an issue

this is the issue:

Whenever I commented on a line on a PR of my colleagues, instead of commenting where it supposed to, the VScode extension just comments on the whole file, which is completely useless, since the person working on it again doesn’t know what I meant.

This happened on new files, so files which weren't existed before, e.g. a person created that file “xyz.ts” new and made a PR to pull into the develop branch. I did not try it out with files which existed before.

Its not a issue specific on my machine, other colleges who tried out the Extension have the same issue

Comments (5)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Hi Marco,

    I’m currently looking into your problem, and have been able to reproduce this on Bitbucket Server. However, I’m not getting this error on Bitbucket Cloud, so I just want to verify that your Bitbucket instance is self-hosted.

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