Cannot edit 'remaining estimate' field

Issue #270 closed
olaeld created an issue

We use the ‘remaining estimate’ heavily. Adding the ability to edit this would allow us to actually benefit from using this brilliant extension.

Comments (5)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @olaeld Couple of questions:

    • On the web UI, do you edit the remaining estimate field directly, or by logging work?
    • When you open an issue in VS Code, do you see the remaining estimate field as non-editable or does it not show up at all? (there's a show more link at the bottom of the right panel that you might have to click for some fields to show up)
  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @olaeld We’ve released several versions since this issue was raised, potentially resolving this issue. However, if it is still a problem, please do reopen it (or open a new issue). Thanks!

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