Make atlascode compatible for theia / eclipse che

Issue #303 resolved
Kevin Fibich created an issue

My company is migrating from VS Code to Eclipse Che and we would really like to carry over the Jira integration.

Theia, which is used in eclipse che / redhat codeready workspaces, has a plugin system which is mostly compatible to VS Code extensions. Unfortunately some parts of atlascode make it impossible to use:

  1. the extension filename served by the vscode market does not end in “.vsix” //Trivial to also fix in theia or via proxy
  2. the custom settings window that is required to put in login credentials / server urls stays blank.

It would also be very nice to be able to opt to seed these config parts via usual settings.json, making automated deployment possible.

Comments (18)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Kevin Fibich Thanks for reporting these issues. We plan to dig in to Theia soon. The vsix part and settings should be relatively easy to fix. As for auto-deployments with settings.json… that’s going to be a bit more difficult as the credentials for authentication are stored in the local machine’s keychain and not in the settings.json.

    We’ll see what we can figure out.

  2. Vitaliy Gulyy

    Is it possible to have atlascode-2.6.4.vsix or atlascode-2.6.5.vsix in Downloads section? There are some limitations related to the licenses which don't allow us ( Che-Theia ) to use VS Code marketplace directly.

  3. Jan Keromnes

    Hi! FYI, I think you could easily publish atlascode to OpenVSX, the open-source, vendor-neutral equivalent of Microsoft’s VSCode Marketplace.

    This would allow the extension to be used by any non-Microsoft tool, like:

    Publishing to OpenVSX uses the same technology as publishing to VSCode Marketplace (i.e. it uses vsce), so you basically only need to add a single line to your current .vsix publishing script:

    npx ovsx publish

    That’s it. (You’ll also need a OVSX_PAT token from here.)

    I’m happy to help with this, please let me know if you have any questions.

  4. Matthew Fisch

    I can install the plugin in the latest Che-Theia deploy, but it does not seem to function properly. Does anyone own this issue?

    This integration is important enough for me to consider the switching cost of recooking SCM/PM tooling that might integrate better.

  5. Matthew Fisch

    This nearly works:

    • Webview auth flow is broken. The auth code/token is incorrectly directed at “localhost” when it should instead be directed at the jwtproxy host. I can copy/paste the token hitting the exposed jwtproxy directly and this correctly allows the plugin to consumer the token.
    • All authentication information is forgotten when the workspace is restarted, together these two bugs make this unusable.
    • Someone did put the latest 2.6.6 release in the VS Code marketplace, have they resolved these issues?

      • Don’t see it in the openvsx registry, just in the che plugin registry.

  6. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    We are currently working on solutions for a couple of roadblocks that we need to solve before we can run within a non-vscode environment. The biggest of these is auth.

    We need to solve these before we can reasonably consider publishing to the OpenVSX repo.

    We don’t have an exact timeframe, but it’s currently under active development.

  7. Mathias Köppchen

    Is there any solution form deploying the .vsix builds of atlascode, witch can be integrated in cloud ide (theia) building process.

  8. Matthew Fisch

    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} Been waiting a while for a build here. The Che team is happy to fix it on their end but they need a VSIX download URL they can reference from a clean source.

    Can your team submit an updated version to the downloads page? All we have is the custom fix version of 2.8.4

  9. Matthew Fisch

    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} this is really great – thanks!

    Unfortunately the Microsoft Marketplace terms and conditions don’t allow us to use that source. OpenVSIX is perfect.

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