Commits in PR opening in the vscode diff

Issue #315 closed
Paulo Daniel Carneiro created an issue

My workflow, now a days, are using Jira and git graph to look my prs. I look what is the commit number in a pr, and open it in the git graph, to see it in vscode’s diff editor. Looking into the extension code, i find where the PR is called, but could not find where the commit are opened.

Is there any way to open the commit in the diff editor directly by the commit number in the pr’s screen like in the image bellow?

Comments (5)

  1. Alastair Wilkes

    Hi Paulo,

    Thanks for your suggestion and for using the extension.

    Commit IDs now link to Bitbucket so they can be viewed there, but we don’t have plans to support viewing diffs for individual commits inside VS Code at this time. That may change in the future if VS Code evolves to provide an easy mechanism for doing this, but for now we don’t plan to add this.

    PM, Integrations

  2. Gerhard Olsson

    View changes by commit would be really helpful. Using VS Code to view and change PRs is much more smooth than the web interface

  3. Ian Chamberlain Account Deactivated

    Bumping this issue as I think it would be very helpful. Functionally it seems very similar to the PR sidebar view that already exists, except instead of multiple commits it would only display one.

    A simpler change that might be be sort-of helpful would be to make the commit hash a clickable link that takes the user to the web interface. The current implementation makes it seem clickable (underline and pointer appearance changes), but nothing happens when I click the commit hash. At least opening in a web browser would allow the user to get to that info without requiring a lot of interface work from the team working on this extension.

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