visual studio code is not logging into Jira,

Issue #316 open
Gregor Schmitz created an issue

I can log into Bitbucket with visual studio code, but Jira fails. It used to work , but stopped!

Comments (6)

  1. Gregor Schmitz reporter

    So basically I log into Atlassian, but Jira fails. See the second screen shot below. Keeps asking me to log in, but does not.

  2. Nick Rundquist

    @Gregor Schmitz Sorry to hear you’re having problems. I have a few questions to help figure out what’s going wrong.

    • Are you using VS Code Insiders?
    • Which platform are you using (i.e. Windows, Linux, Mac)
    • Did this just start failing within the past day or two or has this been going on longer?
    • Were you able to sign in to both Jira and Bitbucket previously or did Jira start failing when you logged in to Bitbucket?
    • If you look at the settings for the Atlassian extension does it show you as being signed in to your Jira site?

  3. Gregor Schmitz reporter

    Hi Nick Thank you for the reply.

    • Which platform are you using (i.e. Windows, Linux, Mac) : Mac
    • Did this just start failing within the past day or two or has this been going on longer? last few weeks but it did work prior to that.
    • Were you able to sign in to both Jira and Bitbucket previously or did Jira start failing when you logged in to Bitbucket? I was able to log into both.
    • If you look at the settings for the Atlassian extension does it show you as being signed in to your Jira site? not it keeps asking me to log in. but it signed into bitbucket,

  4. Nick Rundquist

    Okay, thanks for that. Could you try the following to see if there is any additional information being logged?

    • Open the settings for VS Code and search “output level”, there will probably be a few results, one of them should be “Atlassian” in the “Extensions” section.
    • Set the output level to “debug”.
    • If you don’t already have a terminal open in VS Code, select New Terminal from the Terminal menu.
    • Select the “Output” tab in the terminal”.

    Then try and log in to Jira. Let me know if there are any logging messages that show up when it fails.

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