How to view "unassigned" issues?

Issue #320 closed
Caio Carvalho created an issue

At the moment the only menu that appears on my editor is “Jira Issues > My project issues”.

How can I see “unassigned” issues? As the Gifs of the extension shows “Yours Issues” and “Open Issues", I’m guessing this is a bug?


Extension: 2.2.1

VSCode: 1.41.1

MacOS 10.14.6

Comments (2)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @Caio Carvalho We used to ship with “Open Issues” by default but had to remove it when we added server support.

    At this point, you can open the Atlassian Settings page and in the Issues section you can either add a new JQL or edit an existing JQL to include AND Resolution = Unresolved which will show you unresolved issues (with the rest of your query).

    Let me know if you still have questions.


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