Pull Requests Files is Extremely Slow which blocks me from reviewing code diffs effectively

Issue #322 resolved
Khaled Gabr created an issue

Windows 7/ Latest version of VScode & latest version of Bitbucket extension.

It takes 3-10 seconds to open each file difference in the pull requests which makes it very hard to do a code review.

Comments (19)

  1. Khaled Gabr Account Deactivated reporter
    • changed status to open

    Actually, the issue is still persisting... it was fast for a while, but then again it became slow.

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5bfc2496d9499e1a8fbca47e} I suspect the git operations that the extension does might be slow sometimes.

    • Does it takes a few seconds to do git operations (e.g. git fetch) on command line for the repo? Try updating the git version on your machine and see if that improves this time.
    • Does the pull request on the website load quickly, or does that take few seconds too?
  3. Khaled Gabr Account Deactivated reporter

    the git version is the latest, and git operations are very fast.

    The pull requests on the website loads the whole page at once, and it’s pretty quick. While the plugins takes 5 seconds to loads each file diff.

  4. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Could you check a couple more things to figure out what's causing this:

    • Open the diff view for a file, close the tab, and open the diff view for the same file again. Does it take a few seconds when you open the file the 2nd time?
    • Run Git: Show Git Output from VS Code command palette to open the git output. When you open the diff view, you should see something like > git show <commit id>:<file name>. Run that git command on the command line and see how long that takes. (Make sure that VS Code and command line are using the same version of git executable. You can search for git.path in VS Code settings to check which version it is using)
  5. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Looks like the extension is trying to load the right file but it has ../../.. preceding it so git command is failing, triggering a retry and fallback to API response which explains why it is taking a few seconds. We will investigate how to fix this in our code. Meanwhile can you answer a couple more questions:

    • Do you use symlinks or git submodules for this repo?
    • Can you try doing a fresh clone of the repo to a different folder and opening that folder in VS Code and let us know if that helps?
  6. Khaled Gabr Account Deactivated reporter
    1. not sure what that means. how can I get this info ?
    2. This is indeed a fresch repo, the i have just cloned from a remote Bitbucket repo.

  7. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    I was wondering if you manually made a symlink but as this was cloned recently, that shouldn't be the case. Thanks for the info. We'll look into it.

  8. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5bfc2496d9499e1a8fbca47e} We need some help with testing as we were not able to reproduce the issue. The extension gets the repository path from VS Code and normally it's the full path from root without any leading ../../ prefix.

    Could you download and install the extension from https://bitbucket.org/atlassianlabs/atlascode/downloads/atlascode-2.2.1-bbissue-322.vsix and let us know if that improves the performance? (Run Extensions: Install from VSIX from command palette to install)

  9. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Thanks for testing. That's great to hear! We'll include the fix in the release.

  10. Khaled Gabr Account Deactivated reporter

    I have installed the latest version, and it’s working great. you guys are awesome! thanks.

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