Display all PR comments in details view

Issue #325 open
Former user created an issue

On the web UI, the “Overview” page shows a summary of all comments across all source files in a PR. Conversely, the “Details” page in the plugin only seems to show comments made directly against the PR itself. The only way to see comments made to source files in a PR is to hunt them down individually in the source files. It would be nice to be able to toggle visibility of all PR comments in the Details page.

Comments (6)

  1. Didier Capozzi

    I have the same problem where I’m forced to use the browser because not every comment are shown under the detail page of the extension

  2. Jhonatan A.

    Another solution for this is giving an option to filter the shown files to only show the commented ones. That would give more context to a dev, and is more similar to what is available on the current implementation

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