Default reviews of Pull requests created on extension not in sync with the project configuration

Issue #335 resolved
Ori Amuday created an issue

When creating a pull requests from the vscode extension the default Reviewers are not the same as the default reviewers in the Bitbucket website and that are defined for the repository.

OS : macOS

vscode version : 1.41

extension version : 2.3.0

Comments (5)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    @{5c658b0eded77f3df60ffa46} , sorry to hear you’re having problems. Are you using Bitbucket Server or Bitbucket Cloud? Also, how are the lists different? Are there missing reviewers, extra reviewers, or are the lists completely different?

  2. Ori Amuday Account Deactivated reporter

    I am using Bitbucket cloud.

    The lists are diffrent with extra reviewers, including me as a reviewer.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We’ve released several versions since this issue was raised, potentially resolving this issue. However, if it is still a problem, please do reopen it (or open a new issue). Thanks!

  4. Cord Slatton

    I am still having this issue. A developer was removed in our Bitbucket settings and still shows up in the the VSCode extension.

    vscode Version 1.56.2

    extension version: 2.8.6

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