Build status not showing when connected to Bitbucket Server

Issue #341 resolved
Mihai Petracovici created an issue

I am trying out this extension and found that the workflow we have setup in Bitbucket that requires passing builds to merge does not appear to work with this extension. We are using a Jenkins plugin to notify Bitbucket of build status, etc. I am not seeing a build status when looking at the PR detail screen and the extension looks like it lets me merge as though there were no builds. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this not yet supported with self hosted Bitbucket?


VSCode: 1.41.1


Bitbucket Server: v6.7.1

Extension version: 2.3.1

Comments (7)

  1. Alastair Wilkes

    Hi Mihai,

    Thanks for trying out the extension!

    You are right. Right now, build statuses are not shown on Bitbucket Server PRs, and the merge button is not disabled if there are failing merge checks (like passing builds). However, if you attempt to merge, the merge will fail with an error.

    Both of these features are in our backlog. I'm going to convert this issue to a feature request to show build statuses for Bitbucket Server PRs. I've opened #342 for disabling the merge button if there are failing checks.

    PM, Integrations

  2. Mihai Petracovici reporter

    Great! I’ll keep an eye on those issues. Otherwise liking the extension so far.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We released version 2.4.4 today which addresses the issue. Please update and try it out.

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