Show intellisense/Allow go-to definition in Pull Request file diff view

Issue #346 wontfix
Kristjan Tammekivi created an issue

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Comments (3)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    Unfortunately, this is not possible due to the constraints of both the VS Code diff editor and the fact that we can't always guarantee the PR branch files exist locally.

    We are implementing some other features like "Open file in new tab" which may help a bit with code navigation from PRs.

  2. Kristjan Tammekivi reporter

    I intended to qualify this with “when the correct branch is checked out”. Should be as easy as just opening a standard diff editor.

  3. Jörn Schellhaas

    That would be a really cool feature for reviewing more complex code.

    Maybe you could have an option to use the “standard” diff view instead of the Bitbucket one? Would be necessary to enhance that with comments however.

    As stated by @Kristjan Tammekivi needing to check out a branch would probably be accepted anyway when reviewing more complex PRs.

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