JIRA issue details blank page

Issue #351 open
jeremy.leboi created an issue

As you can see on the next picture, I am not able to display any information from my custom self-hosted Jira instance in VScode using your plugin. I managed to install the plugin to connect to my self-signed SSL website using the path to my SSL certificate, but I can’t reach details from the Jira instance. The filters are working fine, I can retrieve information from the boards, but I can’t get issue details. A “e.map” error in the output console of vscode, using the debug level & curl setting as active.

Thanks for your help

  • OS: win10
  • vscode: 1.41.1 system side setup
  • Jira server: 8.6
  • Atlassian plugin: latest version, 2.3.2

Comments (56)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Hi Jeremy,

    Could you answer a few questions? (If you haven't already, please restart VS Code and check if the issue persists first)

    • Are you logged in to Bitbucket as well or just Jira?
    • Does this happen on specific issues or all issues?
    • Can you create issues from the extension, or is the Create issues page blank too?
  2. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi there

    Thanks for taking the ball 🙂

    • just Jira, we don't use (yet? ^^) Bitbucket at the moment. This is a self-hosted (server) Jira instance.
    • all the issues, for all the projects available on our Jira instance.
    • Yes, indeed I can create an issue from vscode GUI, no blank page here.

    Thanks for your feedback

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Could you update the extension to the latest version (2.4.0) and let us know if still see a blank screen when you try to open a Jira issue?

  4. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter

    I’ve updated the extension to the latest version 2.4.0. Now, I can’t even connect to the Jira server, as I got each time a “first certificate” error message. I’ve tested by removing the custom Jira site and setting it up again but now I can’t add it anymore.

    A colleague of mine was not experiencing my issue linked to the Jira issue details page, that was working fine on his laptop. Is there any possibility that I have another extension or setting in my vscode instance that could interfere with atlascode?

  5. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter

    One more comment: my other colleague, who succesfully used this extension before, is now experiencing the same issue related to the “first certificate” error. He had the same strange behavior after extension update, his JQL filters are not retrieving issues anymore.

  6. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Hi Jeremy,

    Could you update the extension to version 2.4.1 and let us know if that fixes the certificate issue? (You may have to run Extensions: Check for Extension Updates from command palette or restart VS Code to see the update)

  7. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter


    Still getting the same notification regarding the certificate. 😢

  8. Nick Rundquist


    We just released version 2.4.2 can you check and see if that resolves the certificate issue?

  9. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter


    It works fine regarding the connection, I confirm your patch fixed the certificate issue. But still getting the blank page for Jira issue details. A colleague of mine didn’t have such a blank page, could you let me know how to check what’s going wrong? an extension conflict? a misconfiguration?

    Error: error updating issue: TypeError: e.map is not a function

    in the Developer tools, I see:

    thanks a lot 🙂

  10. Gustav Paul

    I have the same issue. It works for some issues, but for others the UI shows up blank and the developer tools report exactly the same “uiType of undefined” error. If you shipped sourcemaps with your plugin I could add a breakpoint and help you debug. As it stands I have no idea what metadata is different between these issues and scanning through “./build/static/js/viewIssueScreen.2f009fc7.chunk.js” isn’t much fun.

  11. Gustav Paul

    Looks like getInputMarkup gets called with the first argument being undefined. It then switches on the first element’s “uiType” property and presumably that fails.

  12. jeremy.leboi Account Deactivated reporter

    any progress?

    it works for some issues and not for some others, depending on the project..

  13. Former user Account Deleted

    Also seeing blank screen for issues.

    • VSCode: 1.47.3
    • Atlassian Plugin: 2.6.6
    • OS: Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS

    Create Issue seems to work.

  14. Sean O'Hollaren

    Adding a +1 to this. Seeing a blank screen any time I try to display an issue in-editor. Opened up the developer tools and confirmed that it’s the same error.

    [Embedded Page] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'uiType' of undefined - webviewElement.ts:152

  15. Василий Ламыкин


    • VSCode: 1.51.1
    • Atlassian Plugin: 2.8.4
    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

    For all(create,watch)

  16. Aaron Freeman

    I’m also experiencing this. On version 2.8.5 of the vscode extension and 1.53.1 of vscode. I am running this under WSL2 Ubuntu. If I close vscode and retry clicking the same issue, it usually works. Sometimes I have to restart vscode multiple times in order to get the clicked issue to show any content though.

  17. Aaron Freeman

    I don’t have this issue anymore on two different development PCs. I’m guessing it was fixed at some point, when a different issue was addressed. Maybe others are still having the issue though? I’m on version 1.56.2. I’m removing my vote, as this no longer affects me.

  18. Patrick Tkacik

    I’m seeing this exact issue today. I’m also getting the Error: error updating issue: TypeError: e.map is not a function error in the output window. I have output verbosity set to debug, and that is the only message I am seeing.

  19. Patrick Tkacik

    I think this may be related to having a highly customized Ticket template. Perhaps there is a field that is expected by this extension that has been removed from the customized template resulting in this error?


    I encountered this today, and found it was because the remote Jira site was no longer a “trusted domain”. You can verify whether this is causing your issue by right-clicking on a Jira issue the issue browser, and choosing “View in browser”. If you get the pop-up message warning you about trusted domains, choose “Configure trusted domains” and add the remote Jira URL.

    Once done, you should then be able to open Jira issues in VSCode and see them display correctly.

  21. Patrik Vanhanen

    Same issue here:
    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')

    Extension version 3.0.2

    Version: 1.75.1
    Commit: 441438abd1ac652551dbe4d408dfcec8a499b8bf
    Date: 2023-02-08T21:35:30.018Z
    Electron: 19.1.9
    Chromium: 102.0.5005.194
    Node.js: 16.14.2
    OS: Linux x64 5.19.0-32-generic
    Sandboxed: No

    Jira Server version 9.4.2

    So everything should be supported

  22. Sandra Rozenman

    I encounter the same issue

    Vscode version: 1.80.2
    Chromium: 108.0.5359.215
    Node.js: 16.17.1
    OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045

    Extension version: v3.0.4

    Jira version: 9.4.8

  23. Rade Nikolic


    I have installed Jira extension to my VS code and authenticated with personal token. Everything worked fine and I was thrilled what options it gave, really helpful. Anyhow, I suspect with the newest Jira update(recently done) I have the problem as all of these people, Jira card is empty of content and I cannot create new issue either. I can still see my issues and queries are working fine, I can even follow the link to issue on Jira with right click → view in browser. So I have access to my Jira instance but all the other data are missing.

    Can you please answer me here is this something that persisted and was fixed or is it sporadic ?

    Details of my environment:

  24. Mirav Kapadia

    Issue apparently does persist in:

    Visual Studio Code Version: 1.81.1 (Universal)
    Commit: 6c3e3dba23e8fadc360aed75ce363ba185c49794
    Date: 2023-08-09T22:20:33.924Z
    Electron: 22.3.18
    ElectronBuildId: 22689846
    Chromium: 108.0.5359.215
    Node.js: 16.17.1
    OS: Darwin arm64 22.6.0

    Plugin log output shows:

    [2023-09-07 15:24:35:469] Atlassian for VS Code (v3.0.5) activated in 26 ms
    [2023-09-07 15:25:22:557] Error: error updating issue: Error: Request failed with status code 404

    Jira v9.4.9

  25. Mirav Kapadia

    The problem...

    curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "X-Atlassian-Token:no-check" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" "https://<jiraserver>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=<projectname>&expand=projects%2Cissuetypes%2Cfields"
    {"errorMessages":["Issue Does Not Exist"],"errors":{}}%

    The working call ... (from here: https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/8.18.1/#api/2/issue-getCreateIssueMeta)

    curl -X GET -H "User-Agent:atlascode/2.x axios/0.19.2" -H "X-Atlassian-Token:no-check" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Bearer <token>" "https://<jiraserver>/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta/<projectname>/issuetypes?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields" | python3 -m json.tool
      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100  4555    0  4555    0     0   8511      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  8610
        "maxResults": 50,
        "startAt": 0,
        "total": 17,
        "isLast": true,
        "values": [
                "self": "https://<jiraserver>/rest/api/2/issuetype/10000",
                "id": "10000",
                "description": "Created by Jira Software - do not edit or delete. Issue type for a big user story that needs to be broken down.",
                "iconUrl": "https://<jiraserver>/images/icons/issuetypes/epic.svg",
                "name": "Epic",
                "subtask": false

  26. Filip Tefr


    I have experience the same problem as was already described. I am unable to create or view issues in vscode, after opening I get just a blank screen.

    OS: win10
    vscode: 1.82.2
    Jira server: v9.4.3
    Atlassian plugin: v3.0.6

    main.f3e876f4.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:190190)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:57880)
        at viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:68830
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:7014)
        at La (main.f3e876f4.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.f3e876f4.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.f3e876f4.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.f3e876f4.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.f3e876f4.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.f3e876f4.js:1:104344)
    Za @ main.f3e876f4.js:1
    main.f3e876f4.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:190190)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:57880)
        at viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:68830
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.2d6705e6.chunk.js:1:7014)
        at La (main.f3e876f4.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.f3e876f4.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.f3e876f4.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.f3e876f4.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.f3e876f4.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.f3e876f4.js:1:104344)

  27. Florian Müller

    I’d love to see some activity on this… support for on-prem Jira installations would be great, since we’re not going to move to cloud anytime soon.

  28. Jonathan Rice

    I’m having this same issue. It started today after we updated to Jira 9.4.9 Jira and Bitbucket v3.0.6 in VS Code 1.82.2
    There is an error in the runtime status

    Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'handleActiveIssueChange')

  29. Cristian Lezau

    Same Issue with Jira 9.4.7 ext v3.0.10

    Extension has become totally un-usable
    viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1 WidthDetector will be deprecated, please use WidthObserver from @atlaskit/width-detector instead.

    main.8d4baee1.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:119783)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:229254)
        at viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:240189
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:178445)
        at La (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:104344)
    main.8d4baee1.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:119783)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:229254)
        at viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:240189
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.6ee0…d.chunk.js:1:178445)
        at La (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:104344)

  30. Yurii Vlasiuk

    Dear developers. I begin having same issue today. Please take a look
    Jira and Bitbucket (Atlassian Labs)

    main.8d4baee1.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:119783)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:229254)
        at viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:240189
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:178445)
        at La (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:104344)
    Za @ main.8d4baee1.js:1
    main.8d4baee1.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'uiType')
        at Ka.getInputMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:119783)
        at Ka.getMainPanelHeaderMarkup (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:229254)
        at viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:240189
        at n.value (viewIssueScreen.6ee0f4ed.chunk.js:1:178445)
        at La (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80491)
        at Da (main.8d4baee1.js:1:80284)
        at vo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:116195)
        at cu (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107410)
        at ou (main.8d4baee1.js:1:107335)
        at Zo (main.8d4baee1.js:1:104344)

  31. Chris Mulloy

    I am having the same issue with 3.0.10 (or if I rollback to 3.0.09). I can see my Jira issues but cannot load the details.

  32. Florian Müller

    I asked Atlassian about this back in august ‘22. They told me it was built by employees but it’s no official product. Which means, as long as the author is not interested in maintaining/fixing it, it won’t happen.

    Since Jira cloud is now affected as well, we might be lucky though.

  33. Jim Eisenhauer

    If that is the case why did they allow the extension to be pushed under their official account??

  34. Yurii Vlasiuk

    That’s good news, hope they will look at that. Cuz this extension was really helpful even with that part of functionality they provide.

  35. Julian Zielke

    I’d even pay for this plugin. WIthout it working with Jira in the browser and VSC aside is just too damn time consuming.

  36. Yurii Vlasiuk

    Lets vote for that issue to move it to the top, maybe then they will assign it to someone. At least one from the top was started to work on

  37. Jasper Joyce

    Still broken for myself using:

    • Version: 1.88.0-insider (Universal)

      Commit: 19ecb4b8337d0871f0a204853003a609d716b04e

      Date: 2024-03-01T05:50:15.892Z (6 hrs ago)

      Electron: 28.2.2

      ElectronBuildId: 26836304

      Chromium: 120.0.6099.276

      Node.js: 18.18.2


      OS: Darwin arm64 23.3.0

    • Atlascode 3.0.10

    • Custom Jira site using PAT authentication

    @Marcus Ragaller How did you get it to work? What OS, VSCode version, extension, Jira site and authentication method are you using?

  38. Cristian Lezau

    @Roi Weinreb Can you please share some details? For me the situation is unchanged(not working)

  39. Nicolo Sacchi

    Can confirm it works again now without any updates on the plugin. They must have restored the previous endpoints, at least for Jira cloud.

  40. Roi Weinreb

    @Cristian Lezau Like @Nicolo Sacchi mentioned, no updates or actions were made by me. I, like Nicolo, use Jira cloud and it suddenly started working again.

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