When Grouping by Epic Subtasks Matching JQL Don't Appear if Their Parent Task Doesn't Match the JQL

Issue #357 resolved
Nick Rundquist created an issue

As shown above JEN-114 doesn’t appear when grouping issues despite matching the JQL.

Comments (7)

  1. Chris Reilly

    I’m facing a similar issue, except I am seeing MORE issues than I should when grouping is enabled. The issues fall outside of my JQL filter and are not assigned to anybody, but may or may not have been assigned to me in the (distant) past.

    With Grouping:
    The community issues should not be showing as they are unassigned, and a Document-type task is missing

    Without Grouping:
    The correct list appears, which matches by web view of that filter.

  2. Nick Rundquist reporter


    A couple of questions:

    • Is this Jira Cloud or Jira Server?
    • Does BACKOFFICE-90 have a parent issue? If so does its parent have a parent?

  3. Chris Reilly

    Jira Cloud BACKOFFICE-90 Does have a parent issue which is unassigned, and doesn't have a parent but does belong to an epic.

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