Add PR comment buttons are displayed only for some lines

Issue #359 new
Tereza created an issue

  1. Expand a PR in the sidebar
  2. Click a file in the PR
  3. A file editor opens

Expected results: There should be a plus button (add new comment) in the gutter for each line of the file.

Actual result: Only some random lines have the plus button.

4. Open the PR in browser and add a new comment there (for a line without the plus button in vscode).

5. Refresh the PR sidebar and click the file again

Result: The comment is there, but it’s obscured by the editor area.

Comments (5)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Hi Tereza. Currently I’m not able to reproduce this issue, so I have a few questions. Is this a Cloud instance or an on-prem instance? Additionally, what version of our extension are you running and what version of VS Code?

    It’s worth noting that I have not seen the diff view rendered in this way before. In particular, on my end I have line numbers separated for each file like so:

  2. Robert Korn

    Same here. VSCode Version: 1.43.1, Jira Addon Version: 2.4.10 (All addons except Jira and YAML disabled)

  3. Rory Sutherland

    Hi Team,

    This occurs when the editor is in the inline view and the comment has been assigned to the “original” file.
    The view works fine in “side-by-side” view.
    I believe the comment gets assigned to the “original” file when the comment is made on a line that doesn’t exist in the “new” file.

    This is how it looks in side-by-side view.

    This is how it looks in the inline view.

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