Can't create a Subtask (description:Description is required.)

Issue #365 new
Marek Branicky created an issue

In MS VScode Jira and Bitbucket (Official) atlassian.atlascode extension, it’s not possible to make a Subtask for a User Story. I can set the subtaks summary but I am not allowed to add a description, instead I am getting the error (please see attached).

Extension version: 2.4.2


Version: 1.42.1
Commit: c47d83b293181d9be64f27ff093689e8e7aed054
Date: 2020-02-11T14:44:27.652Z
Electron: 6.1.6
Chrome: 76.0.3809.146
Node.js: 12.4.0
V8: 7.6.303.31-electron.0
OS: Darwin x64 19.3.0 (macOS Catalina 10.15.3 (19D76))

Comments (4)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    Hi @Marek Branický

    If you’re using the “quick sub-task” create tool on the view issue screen, it only handles creating sub-tasks if you only require a summary as it’s impossible to build a UI to support all of the possible fields on this screen.

    That being said, you should be able to use the “Create Issue” screen (found by clicking the + button on the issue list) to create an issue with a sub-task type and it will allow you to fill in all the required fields and link it to a parent.

    Let me know if that helps.

  2. Marek Branicky reporter

    Hi Jonathan Doklovic

    Well, it doesn’t help. The Create Jira Issue screen allows me to create only Task, Story, Bug or Epic. Is it possible that our Jira Cloud instance is configured this way? Because even in Jira I have to create new Sub-task only through User Story. So I have to first open details or some User Story and then I can create new Sub-task with plus button.

  3. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    OK, I see what you mean. I opened that internal ticket above for it and will update progress here.

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