My Issues -- No issue Found -- JQL Error

Issue #368 resolved
Eric Bissonnette created an issue

Just installed VS Code plugin on macOS and connect to custom Jira site. No issues found in the My Issues browser. When looking at Custom JQL, error message stated : Error in the JQL Query: The character \'%\' is a reserved JQL character

for default query assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY lastViewed DESC

macOS: 10.15.3 (19D76)

Visual Studio Code : 1.42.1

Jira and Bitbucket (Official): 2.4.2

Comments (6)

  1. Eric Bissonnette reporter

    Maybe this can help:

    Use spaces instead of %20.

    You're using a POST request which will have the jql in its body, not as part of the url. So it is not necessary to url encode anything.

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Eric Bissonnette Do you see that error for any JQL with spaces or only the My Issues query? If you just have assigneed=currentUser() without any spaces, does it work?

    Could you also let us know the version of the Jira instance that you are connecting to?

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We've rewritten the JQL editor in version 2.5.0 which fixes many issues. Please re-open if you still see this issue after updating to the latest version of the extension.

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