Create ability to mark Pull Request Review as Complete, and to mark requested changes as complete

Issue #376 open
Frank Taylor created an issue

Currently, the VS Code Atlassian extension communicates that files have been edited, comments added, and that tasks are created/completed.

But there’s nothing that explicitly indicates:

  1. The assignee for a pull request has completed review
  2. The developer who initiated the pull request has completed all revisions
  3. The assignee for the pull request should review again

Obviously, the most simple answer here is, “the two developers talk to each other”, but this becomes problematic:

  • on a distributed team when you’re 7 time zones apart, it’s hard to chat
  • time outside of the IDE is time not coding, checking slack/teams/skype/email leads to distractions

I think there’s a few possible solutions:

“Toast” Notifications based on status changes of the PR

  1. Allow Pull Requests to have the following statuses:

    1. Approved (No more changes needed)
    2. Revised (code has been updated per revision requests)
    3. Reviewed (code has been reviewed)
  2. When a PR changes status, a notification is pushed into VS Code, into a “Toast Notification” that displays, “Pull request [whatever] has been [status]”

“Toast” Notification based on tasks

  1. Create the ability to allow a reviewer to set a task when commenting on a line of code

    1. Right now it’s weird that you can comment on individual lines of code, but you can create tasks from a comment only if someone comments on the whole PR.
    2. alternatively, allow a user to have a checkbox in the code-level comments that reads, “also a task”. Which creates a task upon saving
  2. When a developer marks all tasks as complete:

    1. VS Code Extension prompts user to push all commits, if they are not pushed to server
    2. VS Code pushes a notification to reviewer, informing that all tasks are complete

“Ping” button

  1. Allow user to right-click on an assignee, and select “ping” from a context menu.
  2. Ping pushes a notification to the user that says, “[User] has requested your attention on [pull request branch]
  3. Ping Notifications are configurable Atlassian

    1. User can decide if these notifications go to VS Code, Email, SMS, or possibly carrier pidgeon
    2. User enables in VS Code, “accept pings from Pull requests”

inspired by this:

Comments (3)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    Thanks for the detailed feedback! These are all good ideas, the first solution sounds closest to what’s actually achievable in the near term but we’ll definitely talk over the other options.

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