Hierarchy relationships are not displayed correctly for next-gen issues

Issue #38 on hold
Edward Belokopytov created an issue

E.g. in the attachments we can see that in the extension (dark background), this issue is not showing as linked to its Epic, while in JDOG (light background) it is.

Interestingly this happens for tickets that are not subtasks of the epic. However, for a subtask whose epic was identified correctly, it would sometimes change between having an epic and not when switching issues and coming back to it.

Extension version: 1.1.1-stg VSCode version: 1.31.1 OS: MacOS Mojave

Comments (6)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @ebelokopytov Is this a Jira next-gen project? That would explain the problem as the REST api for next-gen issues doesn't provide parent issue details yet.

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