Authentication fail during a push (both from Visual code & SourceTree) while I'm authenticated via the Bitbucket cloud using SSO

Issue #388 open
Avi Haleva created an issue

When trying to push I get the user/password dialog which fails when I enter my SSO password.

In Visual Code the authentication setting to cloud is configured correctly

This is the error I’m getting: (The annoying part is that push worked for me until several days ago)

git push origin master:master
Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt.
remote: Invalid username or password
fatal: Authentication failed for ....

Comments (2)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5dfd0bb022edca0cb80511d4} The extension uses built-in git features of VS Code and this looks like it's an authentication prompt from VS Code for git actions. Can you check if you use different credentials for git? If you run a git command like git fetch from command line, do you see a prompt for username and password?

    You can also try cloning the repository using ssh protocol and see if that works better.

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