Unable to install on Insiders

Issue #4 resolved
Miguel Solorio created an issue

Tried installing this on Version 1.32.0-insider and got the following error:

Unable to install because, the extension 'atlassian.atlascode' compatible with current version '1.32.0-insider' of VS Code is not found.

Comments (5)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @misolori This is a "known issue". Essentially, we're required to use a proposed API that's changing with the next release of VSCode. We are working with Microsoft on these changes and will release an insiders compatible version once the new APIs are available to us in VSCode.

  2. Shawn McKnight

    1.32 has been released in the official stream. I upgraded today and the extension became disabled. I'm guessing its related to this issue. It would be awesome to get this fixed, the extension is super helpful! Thanks!

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    We have released a new version of the extension (1.0.2) which works with VS Code 1.32.

    You can try it with the insiders build too but note that due to the aforementioned API issues, some features may not work correctly.

  4. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    As of version 1.4.0, the extension works with insiders version. (Note that you need to update to VS Code 1.34 or above to use this version)

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