Quick File Open Issue within Jira Issues Details Tab

Issue #402 resolved
Former user created an issue

When I’m checking the Jira Issues Details, once I type CTRL+P it opens the Quick File Pallet and Automatically, in seconds, open the file bellow the selection.

Edit: Now I noticed that it opens the file once I release the CTRL key in the shortcut.

Extension: 2.4.11
VSCode: 1.44.1
Jira/Bitbucket in Atlassian Servers
Linux Ubuntu 19.10

Comments (10)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    I think what’s happening is that you are pressing Ctrl + P and holding down P while releasing Ctrl. To activate the file select menu without this happening, release both buttons simultaneously. This is just the way VS Code’s file select menu works; it’s not to do with our extension.

    Hopefully this resolves your issue!

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    No Gregory, I just type the P, and it doesn’t happen in other tabs in VSCode

  3. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    It looks like this is a known VS Code issue for WebViews on Linux: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/88284. Does this happen on other WebViews? (e.g. Start Work page, Settings Page, etc.)

    I believe the reason this happens is VS Code auto-selects a file when you press ctrl + P, so you may be able to unselect the file by pressing the up arrow.

  4. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    The person who originally reported that issue says it’s been fixed for him in the latest VS Code Insiders build. Try downloading VS Code Insiders and update to the latest version; hopefully that’ll fix the issue!

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