No Bitbucket repositories found in this workspace with custom origin url

Issue #408 resolved
Daniel Schröder created an issue

Short story: I’m assuming that changing the git origin URL is impacting the repository detection by the plugin.

As I work for different companies with different git credentials, I’m using a ~/.ssh/config file to store different SSH keys for each host I'm using. Because I’ve multiple companies using Bitbucket, I must change the host part when I clone a repository:

git clone becomes something like git clone git@bitbucket-companyA:team/repo.git

In these cases, the repository is not detected inside VS Code. For my personal repositories, which I use as default, the repository detection works as expected.

Plugin version: 2.5.1

VS Code version: 1.44.2

OS: Windows 10 1909

PS: If there is any other easy way to use different credentials without having to change this URL, that might solve the problem.

Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Daniel Schröder If you change the SSH alias name from bitbucket-companyA to bitbucket-org-companyA, the extension will detect it as a Bitbucket cloud repository and everything should work normally assuming you use the same account credentials for both repos.

    You can also try using VS Code for one set of repos and VS Code Insiders build for the other (you would still have to rename the SSH alias mentioned above).

    Let us know if this helps.

  2. Daniel Schröder reporter

    Hi @{557058:a30b5736-f3cf-41d7-aad0-99c9ffac78ce} ,

    Your suggestion is working fine. I changed the origin url to bitbucket-org-companyA and the repository is now being detected inside VS Code.

    Thank you for your help.

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