Visual Studio Code Extension - Jira Authentication failure

Issue #41 closed
Mike Fleming created an issue

URL Under Jira Authenticate button throws the following error. (see attached)

I appear to authenticate successfully with Bitbucket. However, no repositories are shown. See attached.

Comments (23)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Can you try logging out, restarting VS Code, and logging in again to see if that helps? (You can log out from the command palette or settings screen)

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    The message in the screenshot is shown in cases where there aren't any Bitbucket cloud repos open. Can you verify if you have Bitbucket cloud repos open?

  3. Imran Hussain

    I have also experienced the same problem. Bitbucket authorization is successful and it shows the repositories from bitbucket along with the Pull Requests. The problem occurs with JIRA as we don't have the suffix for our JIRA platform. We are using company domain for that, and this seems not possible to integrate as it only looks with the suffixes mentioned here. I also tried by going into the settings.json file and mentioned baseUrl key, but it didn't worked. It automatically brings the suffix everytime when we restart VSCode. the sample code that i tried is.

     "atlascode.jira.workingSite": {
            "baseUrlSuffix": "",
            "baseUrl": "firm_Url_goes_here",
            "projectNames": "Project_name_goes_here"
  4. Thomas W

    Same issue here- custom Jira domain also. BBucket authenticates successfully but doesn’t show any repos

  5. Jan Tache

    Recently encountered the reverse of this issue. Jira is working correctly, but Bitbucket is not. Our Jira is a custom domain, but Bitbucket is not.

  6. Damian Clark

    Having set a proxy in settings.json, I added '"http.proxySupport": "off"' and authentication is now working for Bitbucket and Jira…

  7. Christian Czupras Account Deactivated

    @Damian Clark can you share your full settings for "atlascode.jira.workingSite"? I added the http.proxySupport": "off" but still the same result: Jira can authenticate but Bitbucket is redirected to removed) and then I get an internal server error…

  8. Damian Clark

    "http.proxy": ",
    "http.proxySupport": "off"

    See default proxy settings for VSCode:

    // HTTP
      // The proxy setting to use. If not set will be taken from the http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables.
      "http.proxy": "",
      // The value to send as the 'Proxy-Authorization' header for every network request.
      "http.proxyAuthorization": null,
      // Controls whether the proxy server certificate should be verified against the list of supplied CAs.
      "http.proxyStrictSSL": true,
      // Use the proxy support for extensions.
      //  - off: Disable proxy support for extensions.
      //  - on: Enable proxy support for extensions.
      //  - override: Enable proxy support for extensions, override request options.
      "http.proxySupport": "override",
  9. Paul Green Account Deactivated

    Also having this issue: can log into Bitbucket, just not Jira. Have tried the proxy settings above, but made no difference for me.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Same issue, VS Code + Jira Cloud login doesn’t work.

    Version: 1.37.1
    Commit: f06011ac164ae4dc8e753a3fe7f9549844d15e35
    Date: 2019-08-15T16:16:34.800Z
    Electron: 4.2.7
    Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
    Node.js: 10.11.0
    V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
    OS: Darwin x64 18.7.0
  11. Alastair Wilkes

    Hi everyone,

    It looks like the comments on this issue are from a mix of users using Jira Server and Jira Cloud. Authentication is failing in both cases, but for different reasons. Unfortunately, this makes it hard to issue a single resolution.

    If your team uses Jira Server (e.g. jira.[company].com): Jira Server is not supported, but there is an open feature request for adding support. Please follow issue #5 for updates.

    If your team uses Jira Cloud (e.g. [company], and you're having trouble getting started, please open a new ticket with information about your specific scenario so we can take a look.


  12. Jason Templeman

    Getting status code 400 results when trying to connect to Jira or Bitbucket (both on-prem). Behind firewall and using certs though anything I have tried has not worked. Anyone have a similar setup working?

  13. Anus Baig

    Hi everyone,

    It's working when I’m authenticating for CodeStream both for Jira and Bitbucket worked.

    But Atlassian official extension for vscode still creating the same authentication issue. When I grant access it redirects to[authState]&code=[authCode]

    and then it’s still going to the internal server error



  14. Mitraj Parmar


    Try removing a customized Avatar to a default Avatar provided by your org’s Jira.

    It worked for me.

    This issue is due to how Jira defines its 48x48 property which is for an avatar from your profile

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