Log Work on Jira issues only allows entries between 9:00a-6:00p

Issue #413 resolved
Phillip Hocking created an issue

Maybe folks in Australia only work on stuff between 9a-6p, but it is really inconvenient for me when the first time I try to log work on an issue with this vscode extension, I am only allowed a picklist from 9a-6p in 30m increments:

When you try to type a manual entry, only a picklist is provided:

however, browser Jira allows any entry as long as the input passes sanity check:

Comments (4)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Phillip Hocking Could you update to the latest version of the extension and let us know if you are able to log work correctly from the extension?

  2. Tommi Finnilä

    This issue seems to exist with the latest version (v.2.8.3). Cannot log work outside of the 9am - 6pm, and only in 30min increments.

    Personally I’d welcome a same set of settings like in the web version of the Jira (mostly 12/24h, “Minutes in Slot” and “Start/End Hours” options):

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