Unable to edit JQL issue filter because 404 response from https://jira.xxxxx.ch/rest/api/2/jql/parse

Issue #417 resolved
Christian Ott created an issue

Using the latest version of the extension and VSCode on Windows 10, I am unable to change/add JQL issue filter. The Jira server has version v8.2.3. In the background behind the JQL-edit modal an exception is shown:

This happens as soon as I change something in the default JQL query, or if I try to add a new filter.

I thought of an authentication problem and reauthenticated myself, but since the default query works I suspect a different problem.

Best regards,

Comments (7)

  1. Gregory Star Account Deactivated

    Hi Christian,

    We are aware of this issue and hope to have a fix out soon, so hang tight. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    We have just release version 2.6.0 which we believe fixes this issue.

  3. Christian Ott reporter

    Oh, that was a very quick feedback and resolution loop! For now, it works for me 🙂 Thank you!

  4. Christian Ott reporter

    I did some more tests, and for my usecases it works fine! I will mark it as resolved.

    Best regards Christian

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