Cannot authenticate bitbucket site from vscode extension

Issue #435 new
ANIKETH REDDY SEELAM created an issue

I am trying to add Bitbucket site to my vscode Jira and Bitbucket extension. Our site is of the format . I am adding it via custom Bitbucket site option in authentication panel. I also provided the pfx file and its password for custom ssl settings.

The error I get is [2020-06-18 01:01:21:452] Error: Authentication error: Error authenticating with Bitbucket: Error: timeout of 30000ms exceeded.

Please let me know if any other info is necessary and how to obtain it.

Comments (2)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    The steps you listed sound correct as long as the files and passwords are all in order.

    Do you happen to be behind a proxy? Is it possible that you should be proxying the Bitbucket host? Or maybe you shouldn’t be proxying and you need to add the domain to proxy_ignore ?

    Just throwing out some ideas. It’s hard to debug timeouts due to the nature of it possibly being cause by any of many network errors which may or may not be temporary.


    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} Thanks for your comment about the issue and sorry about my naivety in this aspect. I have disabled all the proxies and tried the same again. This time I got a different error.

    Error authenticating with Bitbucket: Error: Request failed with status code 502

    Does this shed more light? Is there another way I can debug this? Do you think any log files can help you more? Please let me know if they do and how to obtain them.

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