Import filter not showing the tickets properly

Issue #437 new
Lakshma Kusam created an issue

When using the tickets session and imported a create filter returns 0 results. In web I have the gadget using the same filter and pulls the issues

OS: WINDOWS verion 2004 Build : 19041.329

VSCODE : 1.46.0

Comments (3)

  1. Lakshma Kusam reporter

    JQL in the filrter :

    resolution = Unresolved AND statusCategory in (2, 4) AND assignee in (currentUser()) ORDER BY updated DESC

    Auto generated.

    Also I was using the import filter feature

  2. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Lakshma Kusam Do any other JQLs work - can you try importing another filter or adding a custom JQL and check if those show the tickets?

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