Reset all credentials not possible

Issue #461 new
Koen created an issue


I want to report a bug. It’s not possible to reset all my credentials for Jira and Bitbucket integration. I installed the plugin in a remote box (WSL). The company changed the Jira and Bitbucket url so I have to re-login again. But even when I uninstalled the extension, my settings are still saved somewhere and I can’t figure out where.

When I want to change the site it says:

Really annoying. Hope someone can help me out here.


Comments (4)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    Sorry to hear you’re having this problem.

    Due to some constraints in how we handle authentication we don’t support adding or updating site information when working remotely. However, you should be able to edit the site information or delete and re-add the site if you’re using a local workspace (these changes will apply to remote workspaces subsequently).

    If this doesn’t work for some reason, site information is stored in two places. Login credentials are stored in the Windows Credential Vault and everything else is stored in the VS Code settings file.

  2. Koen reporter

    How can I switch to local workspace? I installed the plugin only in a remote workspace, but installing it also locals will not change anything right?

  3. Nick Rundquist

    If you open a new window from the File menu it should open without any workspace. You should be able to update your credentials if you open the Atlassian Settings in that window.

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