Only 1 of several valid repositories are listed in Bitbucket plugin for VS Code

Issue #481 closed
Dennis Charmington created an issue

My Bitbucket accounts have access to several repositories.

But the VS Code plugin for Bitbucket only shows 1 of those repositories, thus I cannot see PR’s in the other repositories.

However, on the web app, when I go to a PR in those other repositories, and then choose “View in VS Code”, that PR is opened in Visual Code. This means that the VS Code plugin has access to the PR in my other repositories but it still does not list those repositories in the left side menu.

Comments (3)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @Dennis Charmington The extension only fetches pull requests the repositories open in the VS Code workspace. Cloning another repository and adding it to the VS Code workspace will let you view pull requests from multiple repositories. Hope that helps.

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