Close Source Branch Behavior should match Web behavior

Issue #491 resolved
Tyler Bruffy created an issue

Currently the behavior for the Close Source Branch toggle is inconsistent with Bitbucket (cloud). The default when creating a PR on the web is for close source to be unchecked.

Additionally, the MergeDialogue is also always toggled to true, even if you toggle closeSourceBranch off when creating the PR.

It’s important to note that the value is being set on the web based on your selection when creating a PR. If you leave the toggle active, and complete the PR on the web, the checkbox to close source will be checked in the merge dialogue on the web. Likewise if you toggle it inactive when creating the PR, it will not be checked in the merge dialogue on the web. This indicates it’s just an issue of not retrieving that value when viewing the pull request in VS Code

I think what needs to be done is:

  1. Change the initial value from true to false when creating the Pull Request (react/atlascode/pullrequest/CreatePullRequestPage.tsx:93)
  2. Add close_source_branch to the list of fields retrieved when viewing a PR in the merge Dialogue.

Extension version: 2.8.2
VS Code: 1.49.3
OS: Mac OS 10.15.6

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