cannot get client for: Jira

Issue #497 new
Former user created an issue

Without an issue template, I don’t really know what to report. Anyway, here’s the error message, my config, and how to reproduce it.

Something went wrong

cannot get client for: Jira

Version: 1.51.0-insider
Commit: 2ed16d0ce8713a5dfed9729071141be0ccf7fbec
Date: 2020-10-14T07:02:46.886Z
Electron: 9.2.1
Chrome: 83.0.4103.122
Node.js: 12.14.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19041

How to reproduce

  1. Log in to Jira and BitBucket
  2. Close VSCode Insiders
  3. Open VSCode Insiders

There’s a giant red banner at the top with the above message.

Comments (11)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5ce41d37c9167e0d6ea292d6} Are you using Jira cloud or server instance?

    This error might occur if the extension cannot reach the Jira instance due to network issue or if there's some issue with the credentials. Could you make sure you can connect to the Jira instance in the browser and try the following:

    • Remove the authenticated site from extension settings (Atlassian: Open settings from command palette) and login again
    • If the above doesn't work, looking at the logs might help:
      • Set the output level to debug under General -> Miscellaneous Settings in the settings view
      • Open VS Code's output pane and select Atlassian in the dropdown on top right area
  2. Yakir Gibraltar

    Hi Premod, i have same issue, reproduced many times by reopen VSCode, i don’t have any network issue .
    Simple close and open VScode app show the issue.

    Version: 1.51.0-insider
    Commit: 13b3c937dc5e3816c79bdd2cdf2cdf6f9c727b75
    Date: 2020-10-20T05:54:40.178Z (15 hrs ago)
    Electron: 9.3.2
    Chrome: 83.0.4103.122
    Node.js: 12.14.1
    OS: Darwin x64 19.6.0
    Atlascode: v2.8.3

    Output from debug log:

    [2020-10-20 21:04:19:917] No credentials for! 
    [2020-10-20 21:04:22:880] No credentials for! 
    [2020-10-20 21:04:22:880]  Error: JQL fetch error: Error: cannot get client for: Jira

    Thank you, Yakir.

  3. Nick Rundquist

    @Yakir Gibraltar can you check the Keychain on your Mac and see if there are any entries saved with a key that starts with “atlascode”?

  4. Yakir Gibraltar

    Hi @Nick Rundquist , i have two entries of atlascode:

    1. atlascode-insiders-authinfoV3 / application password / jira-xxxxxxxxxxx
    2. atlascode-insiders-authinfoV3 / application password / bitbucket-xxxxxxxxx

  5. Nick Rundquist

    So it looks like your credential information is saving correctly. If you delete the sites from your extension and re-add them do you experience the same issue, they work until you restart and then they stop?

  6. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5ce41d37c9167e0d6ea292d6} Could you try removing the adding sites again and check if that works?

  7. Uvindu Perera

    Go to vscode settings and under Atlassian >> Online Checker Urls. Copy the URLs and check the connectivity. Maybe your isp/proxy/vpn is blocking the mentioned sites. Replacing those to my instance urls fixed the issue.

  8. Brian Halderman

    I’m so glad I stumbled upon this thread. The extension had been broken for me for weeks and I had sent multiple bug reports about “cannot get client for: Jira”, but never got a response nor saw a fix come through. Removing the site and adding it again fixed the problem. I sent in a suggestion to add a message with those instructions to the interface when that particular error displays, but I kinda doubt it will happen.

  9. David R. McGee

    This new behavior appeared in the VS Code extension within the past week. The behavior is the same. However, after trying @Uvindu Perera 's suggestion, despite having a clean bill of health (so it appears) in the GUI, the log reveals a repeating pattern.

    [2023-10-05 18:05:52:114] Creating client for 
    [2023-10-05 18:05:52:114] Retrieving auth info for product: jira credentialID: 3d43457f1cbd89882d93eab1113d8290 
    [2023-10-05 18:05:52:114] Retrieving secretstorage info for product: jira credentialID: 3d43457f1cbd89882d93eab1113d8290 
    [2023-10-05 18:05:52:162] 264: Failed to refresh tokens  Error: cannot get client for: Jira
    [2023-10-05 18:05:52:162]   Error: error updating issue fields: Error: cannot get client for: Jira

    Uninstalling/Re-installing the extension resolved it for me.

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