“Start Work” page shows error

Issue #509 new
Former user created an issue

The “Start Work” button is broken for me. It does not list repositories anymore and shows the following error message:

I tried logging in and out of the Atlassian account, and uninstalling the extension. Could not fix it, i want to avoid reinstalling VSCode entirely.

Extension Version: 2.8.3,

VSCode version: 1.50.1

Bitbucket version: uses cloud offering by atlassian

Comments (5)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5ccabd9fe198d211c2a4780f} Does this happen when the page is opened or after the Start button is pressed on the page?

    If you could run Atlassian: Show Bitbucket sites info from the command palette and paste the output from VS Code's output pane here, it would help us debug the issue. Also let us know if you see any relevant error logs in the output pane.

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    @{557058:a30b5736-f3cf-41d7-aad0-99c9ffac78ce} Thanks for the reply! It happens when opening the page.

    The output error shows the following:

    [2020-11-12 09:15:58:678] Error getting URL: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/src/master/pullrequests?pagelen=25&fields=%2Bvalues.participants%2C%2Bvalues.rendered.*&sort=-created_on&q=state%3D"OPEN"+OR+state%3D"MERGED"+OR+state%3D"SUPERSEDED"+OR+state%3D"DECLINED" [object Object]
    [2020-11-12 09:15:59:005] Error getting URL: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/src/master/branching-model [object Object]
    [2020-11-12 09:15:59:005] Error: error updating start work page: [object Object]
    [2020-11-12 09:15:59:007] Error getting URL: https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/src/master [object Object]

    That’s the output from `Atlassian: Show Bitbucket sites info`:

    "bitbucketSites": [
    "name": "Bitbucket Cloud",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "type": "cloud",
    "mirrors": []
    "vscodeWorkspaceRepositories": [
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/abstraction-layer-device-type-specification",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/abstraction-layer-device-type-specification",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/completed-lecture-code/multi-k8s",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://github.com/roelkers/multi-k8s.git",
    "host": "github.com",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Not found"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/service-marketplace",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/service-marketplace",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/transaction-mailer",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/transaction-mailer",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/conrad-connect-cd",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/conrad-connect-cd",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/temple_of_entropy",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/temple_of_entropy",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/dashboard-react",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/dashboard-react/",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/infrastructure",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/infrastructure",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/paas-api-sdk",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/cc-paas-api-sdk/src/master/",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/rule-engine",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/rule-engine",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"
    "uri": "file:///home/rufus/Dev/dashboard",
    "remotes": [
    "name": "origin",
    "url": "https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/dashboard/",
    "host": "bitbucket.org",
    "matchingBitbucketSite": "Bitbucket Cloud"

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @{5ccabd9fe198d211c2a4780f} I'm wondering if there's a bug in our code for parsing the repo URL. Can you try removing the https://bitbucket.org/conradconnect/cc-paas-api-sdk/src/master/ repo from your workspace and try again? If that works, can you try cloning the repo without the /src/master/ at the end and opening the start work page?

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Cool, that fixed the problem. Also works after cloning again as you suggested. Thanks a lot ! @{557058:a30b5736-f3cf-41d7-aad0-99c9ffac78ce}

  5. Daniel Cronin

    I’m having the same error but for me it’s when I click start. I tried removing and re cloning but it didn’t solve it. The only thing that works is re-loading the vscode window.

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