Logging time on Jira tickets

Issue #53 resolved
Joe Farrell created an issue

Would like to be able to log time on Jira tickets

Comments (9)

  1. Matt Gates

    yes can you log tempo when clicking 'start work on issue' ? so we can have a time tracker on each issue

  2. Tyler Cosgrove

    I think Atlascode could snag many more users if this was implemented nicely. Especially users from the Jira Plugin which has pretty nice time tracking

  3. brad clements

    Its the end of the sprint and time for me to enter actual time spent on all my Jira tickets. Gosh this takes nearly an hour because the Jira website is sooo slow.

    Hey what’s this, a vs code extension. Wow, its super fast!

    But … there’s no way to enter time spent.

    Can you please add a mechanism to allow time spent to be manually added, just like the website? Thanks

    I suspect others on this ticket are asking for this extension to also track time when ‘start work on issue’ is clicked. That’s not a bad idea, mylyn and tasktop for eclipse does this.

    However for my use-case I still need the ability to manually enter time because I use clockify due to working on many different tasks, not all of them in vscode.

  4. Miroslav Zografski

    I could only second the request for automatic or even smart time tracking when starting a work on a ticket via the VSCode extension. Add in the manual entry will be nice addition, but then it will probably be more obsolete for development work.

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