Filter "Your Issues"

Issue #55 resolved
Nate E Dudenhoeffer created an issue

I need to be able to filter "your issues" by status. In our workflow issues often get assigned in the backlog, before they are selected for development.

I would like to be able to do the same for "open issues".

Comments (3)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @ndudenhoeffer It’s not possible to filter the Open Issues or Your Issues trees.

    That being said, you can create a Custom JWL query in the Atlassian Settings screen to do what you want. You can optionally disable the Open Issues and Your Issues tress in there if you only want to see your custom stuff.

    Will that work for you?

  2. Nick Rundquist

    With the release of version 1.4.2 you are now able to edit the JQL for the open and assigned issue trees.

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