issue icons doesn't show

Issue #555 new
Manar Kurmanov created an issue

Comments (7)

  1. Andrea Franceschetti Account Deactivated

    Same here… also photo profile dont show up… v2.8.5 on vscode 1.53.2

  2. Martin Hammerschmid

    I would like to vote up for a higher priority, because IMHO this is a easy fix.

    The same icons are visible if you open the details of the selected task, the html rendering is just different

    The icon in the treeview: (Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT -> epic.svg)

    <div class="custom-view-tree-node-item-icon" style="background-image: url(";);"</div>>

    The icon from the same selected item of the treeview in the details view: (Loading without any error)

    <img src="" style="padding-right: 5px;">

    It looks like there are some Content Security Policy (CSP) issues for all svg issue types loading by this url

  3. Sriram Hariharan

    Any updates on this ticket? This is definitely making the extension look uglier and harder to use.

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