Pull Requests not displayed and unable to create one for Mercurial repositories

Issue #57 wontfix
Danny van Deutekom created an issue
  1. Bitbucket Pull Request: The list of pr's is not displayed in the 'Atlassian-tab' (see Screenshot 2019-04-29 at 16.43.45.png) while this is enabled in settings.
  2. Create Pull Request: Cmd+Shift+P -> 'Create pull request' will show an error: "command 'atlascode.bb.createPullRequest' not found"
  • VSCode 1.33.1
  • Add-on 1.2.2
  • Bitbucket Cloud with team repositories
  • Mercurial; set this up with sshkeys and Hg add-on (mrcrowl.hg)

Comments (16)

  1. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    @dadeu Sorry for the confusion. I meant git instead of ssh in my previous comment.

  2. Ron Perkins

    I had the exact issue after installing the plugin… but it was fixed for me by just installing GIT from: https://git-scm.com/

  3. Alastair Wilkes

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for your interest in this issue.

    Following the recent announcement that Mercurial support will be removed from Bitbucket Cloud on June 1, 2020, we do not plan to add support for Mercurial repositories in the VS Code extension.

    To learn more about what led to this announcement, timelines, and migration resource support, read the announcement blog.

    To discuss conversion tools, migration, tips, and offer troubleshooting help, visit this thread on Atlassian Community.

    If any critical Mercurial issues arise over the coming months, reach out to Bitbucket support.


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