Unable to disable JIRA integration after authenticating with wrong account

Issue #59 resolved
Peter Faria created an issue

I authenticated Jira with an Atlassian account that has no Jira projects associated with it. Now, I can’t turn off the integration. My work uses an on-premise Jira instance, so I don’t have the option of authenticating with a different account, as the extension only uses id.atlassian.com

Comments (11)

  1. Nick Rundquist

    You can log out your Atlassian account by going to the settings (Open the command pallet from the View menu in VSCode and select “Atlassian: Open Settings”) for the Atlassian extension and selecting “Logout” in the Jira section near the top. If you want to disable the extension entirely that can be done by selecting the Extensions view in the Activity Bar, clicking the gear icon next to the Atlassian extension and selecting “Disable”.

  2. Peter Faria Account Deactivated reporter

    I don’t have the option to logout, I just see “Authenticate” buttons, even though I’ve already authenticated. This can be verified in the attached screenshot, you can see my Bitbucket integration on the status bar at the bottom.

  3. Peter Faria Account Deactivated reporter

    Using VSCode Version 1.33.1 (1.33.1), OS X Mojave 10.14.4, Atlassian for VSCode v1.2.3

  4. Nick Rundquist

    Have you tried restarting VSCode? It looks like you’re probably logged out of everything but the status bar UI didn’t update.

  5. Peter Faria Account Deactivated reporter

    I tried restarting, as well as uninstalling and reinstalling before submitting this issue. I’ve never seen it look differently than the screenshot above.

  6. Nick Rundquist

    Can you check your Keychain and see if there are any items with the name “atlascode-authinfo” in there? If there are deleting them will remove any remaining login information used by the extension.

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