"Invalid time value" when fetching pull requests

Issue #603 resolved
Jason Brunette created an issue

VSCode 1.56.2, Windows 10

Jira and Bitbucket (Official): 2.9.0

Custom Bitbucket server

When clicking refresh on the BITBUCKET PULL REQUESTS panel while open merge requests exist, an error toast appears at the bottom right with the text “Invalid time value” and the pull requests are not displayed in the BITBUCKET PULL REQUESTS panel.

The error also appears immediately after creating a pull request via the extension, and the pull request tab is left blank.

This is new to 2.9.0, as previous versions do not have these issues.

Attached is a redacted version of the JSON from the repos/pull-requests curl command if it helps.

Comments (13)

  1. Caleb Epstein

    Ditto. Just discovered this Atlassian plugin for VS Code and was excited to try it, but it does not work for an on-prem install of Atlassian Bitbucket v7.12.0

  2. Juanpe Araque

    We are having this issue as well. It seems to be happening after the latest update to VSCode but it might be due to the Atlassian extension since the issue here present the same behaviour for a previous version. When trying to open the general view of Bitbucket we are unable to see the list of PRs although we are able to create them. The creation has also failed a couple of times but I am not sure if this issue is related or was transient though.

  3. Ryan Dunn

    This issue is affecting me as well. VSCode v1.57.0 and Atlassian Extension v2.9.0.

    As a workaround, I used the VSCode option “Install Another Version…” to install v2.8.6 of the Atlassian Extension which got my PRs back.

  4. Caleb Epstein

    As a workaround, I used the VSCode option “Install Another Version…” to install v2.8.6 of the Atlassian Extension which got my PRs back.

    @Ryan Dunn - you are the real hero in this thread. Thank you!

  5. Nick Rundquist

    @Doron Portnoy I just released version 2.10.6 which fixes a similar issue when viewing pull request details. Does this fix your issue? If not what actions are you performing (if any) when the error happens?

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