VSCode: Bitbucket pull request details disappearing

Issue #650 new
Adam Grow created an issue

Using VSCode (v 1.55) with Jira & Bitbucket plugin (v 2.9.1) on MacOS (v 10.15.7) against a custom (corporate) Bitbucket instance:

When I open a pull request, the details will load in the window, and then disappear. File diffs and comments are viewable, and I can right-click the details item to “view in browser”. I have logging for Atlassian set to “debug”, and not seeing anything related to the details bug being logged.

Comments (4)

  1. Ryan Dunn

    Issue is also present in 2.9.0. I had to back up to 2.8.6 to get the details page to not blank out.

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