Add support for Epics in issue views

Issue #68 resolved
James Fryer created an issue

It would be good if you could see epics in the issue sidebar (ideally similar to how subtasks are nested under tasks).

It would also be good to be able to view and change Epic on each individual issue view.

Comments (4)

  1. Jonathan Doklovic Account Deactivated

    @jamesfCC Can you tell me if this is still an issue with v 1.3.0 of the extension?

  2. James Fryer Account Deactivated reporter

    @{557057:3695b794-cde3-43a2-99aa-c0fc6151b754} I can now see the issues nested in the issue sidebar which is great.

    I still cannot see the “Epic Link” field when looking at an individual issue. This might be related to in the fact that I can’t see anything but the most basic fields when looking at an individual issue in the extension.

    I also notice that in the extension epics are identified by their “Issue Summary” field rather than by “Epic Name”. This is much more minor to me, but it is differing behaviour to how Jira currently works. Ideally in the issue sidebar and when linking and issue to an epic it would label epics using the “Epic Name” field, however it should still show the “Issue Summary” when on the issue details view.

    Personally I would call this issue done and maybe raise a more minor enhancement ticket for the remainder, but that is up to you.

  3. Pramod Busam Account Deactivated

    Version 1.4.0 of the extension fixes this issue. (Please note that you need to update to VS Code 1.34 to use this version)

    Please re-open or create a new issue if you still see this happening.

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