Can't clone a repository from Bitbucket to local machine in Visual Studio Code

Issue #699 new
Lee Linkoff created an issue
  • OS: Windows 10, 21H2, 19044.1586
  • Visual Studio Code version: 1.65.2
  • Extension: Jira and Bitbucket (Atlassian Labs), v2.10.9

When I start VS Code without selecting any file, workspace or folder and then select the source control icon on left-hand side vertical menu bar followed by ‘Clone Repository’ on ‘SOURCE CONTROL’ vertical panel on the left-hand side, no repositories from appear anywhere in the UI to select from.

I see ‘Clone from GitHub’ below a text box with the words 'Provide repository URL or pick a repository source.' at the top of the screen towards the middle.

If a click on ‘Clone from GitHub', I do see all available repositories from my GitHub account (

I was expecting to see a ‘Clone from Bitbucket’ where I could get a list of repositories from under my account.

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