VS code Authentication error for JIRA AND BITBUCKET

Issue #718 new
Mayank Raj Srivastava created an issue

When I click on authorize , it gives error.
For Both Jira and BITBUCKET

Using : Jira and Bitbucket (Atlassian Labs)v2.10.11

Vs CODE : version 1.66.2 ( User Setup)

Os : Windows 10

Comments (4)

  1. Jon Tresko

    Same issue. appears to be a dns issue with Atlassian callback URL subdomain

    Har file:

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  2. Alexander Schomburg

    Can confirm this for authenticating to Jira/Bitbucket Cloud on Windows 11 Pro 21H2 with Extension v2.10.12 and VS Code v1.67.1 running in WSL2 (Pengwin distro). As a result the extension is not working at all.

    Solution: Run Visual Studio Code on ´native Windows (no WSL connection) to log in to Jira/Bitbucket Cloud. Afterwards, the account is connected to the WSL version of VS Code as well.

  3. Produccion Batovi

    Can confirm I can also see this. I wonder when the day is gonna come that Atlassian make it easy for users to authenticate to the services they are paying for and when the day will come you will have a native linux client. You are unbelievably inept.

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