Error on Pull Request creation and browsing

Issue #756 new
Lars Bek created an issue

On creating a Pull Request, the PR is created on the Bitbucket server, but errors are thrown in the interface

Something went wrong

message:"Tasks are now managed using Comments with BLOCKER severity. Use /rest/api/1.0/projects/{projectKey}/repos/{repositorySlug}/pull-requests/{pullRequestId}/blocker-comments?count=true instead."


Browsing of Pull Requests, the GUI only shows the headline of the PR - the details link shows:

Error: fetching pull request details failed

The details link does not work, so PR merge is currently unavailable from the vscode plugin.

Is this a local problem or a new issue?

Problem started last week (Aug 15th 2022).

Bitbucket on-prem installation v8.1.0

vscode Jira and Bitbucket plugin v2.10.12

Comments (8)

  1. Thomas Wolber

    For me this issue also occurs, failing to fetch pull request. Thus I cannot use the plugin at all

  2. Drew Snyder Account Deactivated

    Same here. The Jira part of the vs code extension seems to work fine but the Bitbucket part does not. I’m using SSH to connect to Bitbucket and oAuth in the Extention. I noticed that when I right-click on the repo folder under the pull requests section it takes me to the ssh keys host alias rather than the ssh keys host domain. Wondering if the thing we all have in common is multiple SSH keys.
    Example: SSH Config

    When I try to view repo in browser I’m taken to when I should be taken to

  3. Rob Seaver

    @Drew Snyder , thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, that was not it for me (but I was hoping!). From what I can tell, the issue is that the extension is querying a deprecated URL when retrieving PR details. The line of code in their source, I believe, is this one (line 186 if it doesn’t come through in the link): atlassianlabs / atlascode / src / bitbucket / bitbucket-server / pullRequests.ts — Bitbucket. Instead of tasks, I believe that should be /blocking-comments. I haven’t played with the source enough to know, but this is what I was able to figure out from looking at the debugging logs in VSCode. There may be more to it, but that URL absolutely fails, and the error message in the response even says to use /blocking-comments vs. /tasks. So, until Atlassian, or someone, fixes that, we’re probably all in a holding pattern.

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