Bitbucket Pipelines Schema incorrectly throws error for configured parallel step

Issue #800 new
Ryan Brodkin created an issue

It seems like these type of issues are being merged into #66, but this one has not been mentioned previously.

The schema incorrectly expects all descendants of paralell to be array elements as follows:

- parallel:
    - step: *build
    - step: *npm

The Pipelines syntax also allows the value to an object with steps nested in a steps key:

- parallel:
      - step: *build
      - step: *npm

This is required for providing options to parallel, such as:

- parallel:
    fail-fast: true
      - step: *build
      - step: *npm

Actual Outcome

Syntax error displayed: Incorrect type. Expected "array".

Expected Outcome

Both valid syntaxes are recognized.


Extension: 3.1.0
VS Code: 1.74.3

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