authentication error adding custom BitBucket site to Atlassian for VSCode

Issue #807 new
Scobie Smith created an issue

Hi. I’m trying to use a custom Bitbucket site with Atlasssian for VSCode. My problem is the failure to authenticate. (I am on Windows 10.)

We are set up to require going through our VPN to reach our Bitbucket repos. And that VPN uses a certificate. So, I think I just need to makes sure I provide the path to an exported certificate on my drive, where that cert is PKCS#12, i.e., it has the private key.

Without this, I get an Authentication Error, with a 401 response.

I think there are two issues here.

  1. I can’t export our cert on my local machine, in PKCS#12. When I try, I get an error: “Key not valid for use in specified state.” I don’t even know what that means. But nothing I try lets me export this cert. That makes sense, since our IT/InfoSec team would go nuts if I can export the private key to our source code.
  2. Shouldn’t Atlassian for VSCode have a way to use the cert as it is installed on my machine? I get the auth error even when my machine is connected to our VPN. So, is Atlassian for VSCode somehow going outside of this, not through the VPN connection that is established?

Or maybe I’m totally off base here.

Any thought appreciated. We have a couple of devs trying to use this.

I don’t mean this is really a bug. It’s more that I don’t know how to get your auth to work for a custom BB site.


Scobie Smith

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